Our Free E-Book Collection

Here to give you some great tips, tricks, experiences. Click on the Image to download! 



The Profitable Farmer's Toolkit

30+ ideas, systems, apps, and tools to shave hours off your week, increase your effectiveness and multiply your impact.

Pastured Poultry Tune-Up

We look at several key factors that are going to determine your profitability in pastured poultry to make sure you're going into this venture on the right foot!

Building Your Farm

As we talk to farmers all around the world, there are six attributes which come up again and again as key components for success of a farm.

Washing Shed Tip Sheet

A badly organized washing shed can be a huge bottleneck in your operation, and ultimately be the make-or-break for your vegetable quality. Make sure it's the best it can be! 

Winter Growing Secrets

Learn from Michael's mistakes in his years of winter growing. This comprehensive E-Book give you a leg up on your winter growing operation!


The RIPEN Roadmap

Apply the RIPEN system to your farm business and see the questions you should be asking and systems you should be considering. Pairs well with our SFU RIPEN Blueprint Course